Boeing Boeing to remarket 737 MAX jets ordered by China Boeing will remarket some 737 MAX aircraft built for Chinse customers but cannot be delivered because the country’s… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteSeptember 16, 2022
Boeing Singapore approves Boeing 737 MAX to continue operations The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) ungrounded the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft on September 6, 2021. Singapore… ByParam AgarwalSeptember 6, 2021
Boeing 737 MAX Malaysian civil aviation authority ungrounds Boeing 737 MAX The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) approved the Boeing 737 MAX for operations on September 2, 2021.… ByParam AgarwalSeptember 3, 2021
Boeing 737 MAX FAA directive to affect 461 Boeing 737 MAXs A directive issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on June 16, 2021, warrants all Boeing 737 MAX… ByMichael JongaJune 17, 2021
Antonov An-124 Ruslan Volga-Dnepr Airlines ungrounds An-124 fleet The Russian air carrier Volga-Dnepr Airlines is restarting its commercial operations with An-124-100 freighters. The airline’s whole fleet… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteDecember 29, 2020