DGCA DGCA orders SpiceJet Q400 fleet inspection following cabin smoke incident India’s civil aviation regulator has ordered budget carrier SpiceJet to conduct a detailed inspection of its De Havilland… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteOctober 18, 2022
aircraft incident Finnair ATR 72-500 turboprop diverts to Riga due to smoke in cabin A Finnair ATR 72-500 turboprop regional airliner was forced to make an emergency landing in Riga, Latvia due… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteFebruary 17, 2022
Boeing 737 Fog inside Boeing 737 prompts Ryanair crew call Mayday A Ryanair flight from Romania passed all phases of a good thriller movie onboard. Eventually, the Boeing 737-800… ByAeroTime EditorialJanuary 23, 2020
#flight People evacuate off smoke filled British Airways flight British Airways flight from Heathrow (London, UK) to Valencia (Spain) was forced to make an emergency landing after… ByMerve KaraAugust 6, 2019