Africa Emirates suspends Nigeria flights again over trapped ticket revenues Emirates has suspended flights to Nigeria again because it can’t repatriate ticket revenues from the country. In a… ByVictoria BryanNovember 4, 2022
Africa Nigeria releases more funds to airlines, urges ceasefire on flight suspensions Nigeria is set to release $120 million of foreign airlines’ ticket revenues, reducing the outstanding debt owed to… ByMichael JongaOctober 26, 2022
airline profit Strong cargo revenues result in operating profit for Korean Air Korean Air reported a revenue of KRW 2.8052 trillion ($2.3168 billion) and a “record quarterly operating profit” of… ByMichael JongaMay 5, 2022
Cargo Cargo revenues and profit reach historic levels in 2021 The cargo industry is poised to record its second consecutive year of historic revenues and profit levels in… ByMichael JongaDecember 21, 2021
Iceland Icelandair revenues fall by 85% in Q2 The preliminary financial results of the second quarter of 2020 indicate that Icelandair group’s revenues dropped by 85%… ByValius VenckunasOctober 22, 2020