Airbus A321XLR Boeing testing waters for A321XLR competitor once again? With the Airbus A321XLR capturing market share in a market where Boeing has no answer, the US manufacturer… ByVytė KlišauskaitėFebruary 3, 2021
Boeing Schrödinger’s Plane: Boeing NMA or re-engined Boeing 767? Hints about Boeing developing a new aircraft, dubbed the Boeing New Midsize Airplane (NMA) or the Middle of… ByRytis BeresneviciusOctober 14, 2019
Boeing No NMA for Boeing at Paris Air Show Shortly after Airbus officially launched its A321XLR, Kevin McAllister, President and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, said there… ByAeroTime EditorialJune 17, 2019
Airbus Will Airbus launch A321XLR at Paris Air Show 2019? As the industry eagerly awaits for an update on Boeing’s new 797 mid-range aircraft or NMA at the… ByRuta BurbaiteJune 14, 2019
Boeing Mysterious Boeing NMA could fly in 2025 The big announcement by Boeing on whether or not it will commit to the new middle of the… ByAeroTime EditorialMay 31, 2019
Boeing Has Boeing NMA found its first big customer? While Boeing’s decision on the new middle of market aircraft ‒ the NMA ‒ is anticipated in the… ByAeroTime EditorialMarch 7, 2019