Air Malta Air Malta to be dissolved and new national carrier established by end-2023 The Maltese government is planning to shut down Air Malta and establish a new national airline straight away,… ByRytis BeresneviciusApril 18, 2023
Air Berlin Can you name the airline subsidiary? [Quiz] Can you name the airline subsidiary? [Quiz] Start Quiz Next Start Over ByRytis BeresneviciusOctober 23, 2020
covid19 Ryanair threatens to close 3 bases in Germany Irish low cost carrier unveils plans to greatly scale-back its operations in Germany, as Vereinigung Cocpit (VC), German… ByValius VenckunasOctober 22, 2020
Buzz Ryanair expects to halt operations due to coronavirus Ryanair, currently the biggest airline group in Europe in terms of passenger numbers, announced significant changes to its… ByRytis BeresneviciusMarch 19, 2020
Boeing 737 Ryanair reduces fleet by over 60 Boeing 737 aircraft Despite ongoing grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX (associated with a bright future at Ryanair) and underperformance of… ByAeroTime EditorialFebruary 3, 2020
Air Malta Ryanair To Establish Malta Air – A New Airline In Malta Ryanair To Establish Malta Air – A New Airline In Malta On Sunday, Times of Malta has announced… ByRytis BeresneviciusJune 10, 2019