covid19 8 tips for helping aviation workers to survive the crisis Furloughs, job cuts and pay cuts became a normality, as the aviation industry got ravaged by its worst… ByValius VenckunasSeptember 17, 2020
covid19 Etihad Airways: COVID-19 vaccine won’t solve crisis It is tempting to think about the current crisis as something that one day will be gone, or… ByValius VenckunasSeptember 15, 2020
Malaysia From cinemas to morgues: airports seek new purpose Before the COVID-19 crisis, the airport industry’s contributing GDP to the world economy was estimated at around $825… ByPijus JauniškisSeptember 15, 2020
aviation innovation 3 areas in aviation where tech could speed up COVID-19 recovery Aviation industry professionals claim that investments in innovation and a comprehensive automatization of operations would help the aviation… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteSeptember 15, 2020
covid19 Finnair changes long-term planning unrecognizably Finnair’s successful journey to financial growth and expansion went into survival mode in a very short time. The… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteSeptember 14, 2020
Coronavirus From shopping to masks: did passenger experience change forever? The restrictions imposed by health authorities around the world have durably changed the expectations of passengers when it… ByClément CharpentreauSeptember 14, 2020
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) How UK CAA managed consumer perception amid different crises Any crisis is a time of unprecedented challenges and difficult decision making. However, it is not the first… ByPijus JauniškisSeptember 14, 2020
Aviation Events Consumer behavior patterns after COVID-19: what to expect? Back in 2019 the global airport retail market was growing steadily, projected to reach a $48.2 billion profit… ByAIR ConventionSeptember 9, 2020
Airlines 6 months after COVID-19: what is the market like now? Back in February 2020, when COVID-19 was still a problem for only several countries, the airline industry looked… ByAIR ConventionSeptember 5, 2020
Aviation Events On the way to recovery: will digitalization save airlines? The path leading to the industry’s recovery – amid speculation on the return of passenger demand, fleet adjustments,… ByAIR ConventionSeptember 3, 2020
Cargo Up to 5B people may not receive COVID-19 vaccine, DHL warns DHL and McKinsey & Company released a joint paper in which the companies warn of potential shortcomings of… ByPijus JauniškisSeptember 3, 2020
Aviation Events Is safety tech the next big thing for airports? It is no secret that the pandemic forced all market players to reconsider their safety measures in an… ByAIR ConventionSeptember 2, 2020
Aviation Events Looking for opportunities in crisis-struck aviation: cargo The aviation market is slowly beginning to shake off the initial “brace for impact”, as it transitions into… ByAIR ConventionAugust 31, 2020
Cargo WorldACD calls 2020 “craziest half year in air cargo” The month of June marked the end of “the craziest half year in air cargo” after many of… ByPijus JauniškisAugust 18, 2020
aviation conference Digital Week talks: outlook for travel demand International air travel was hit hard across different destinations worldwide, and would scarcely get back to pre-pandemic levels… ByAIR ConventionAugust 17, 2020
aviation conference Navigating change: Digital Week conference returns in September As the global aviation industry is battling to recover from the impact of the pandemic crisis, companies need… ByAIR ConventionAugust 11, 2020
AIR Convention What prospects do pilots face now & after crisis? A year ago, the aviation industry was struggling with a pilot shortage, while now furloughs, salary cuts and… ByAeroTime EditorialJune 18, 2020
AIR Convention At what time would lessors step in and repossess aircraft? Under normal circumstances, if an airline is late on making payments for leased planes, the leasing company would… ByAeroTime EditorialJune 18, 2020