Avianca Despite authorities‘ approval, Avianca is not happy with its Viva Air merger Columbia’s Avianca is still unhappy with the way the Colombian authorities handled the merger process with Viva Air,… ByRytis BeresneviciusApril 27, 2023
Avianca Avianca asks for measures to control bird presence at airports after bird strike Avianca has publicly pleaded with authorities to tackle the presence of birds at airports in Colombia. The Colombian… ByRytis BeresneviciusApril 27, 2023
aircraft incident Douglas DC-3 goes missing minutes after takeoff in Colombia A 77-year-old Aliansa Aerolineas Douglas DC-3 went missing minutes after taking off from Villavicencio La Vanguardia Airport (VVC),… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteJuly 9, 2021
Avianca Family ties & state money: Avianca’s loan raises disputes Colombia’s flag carrier Avianca (AVHOQ) (AVH) has almostly lost hope of getting up to $370 million state loan,… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteOctober 22, 2020