Airbus BBN Airlines introduces Turkey‘s first Airbus A321P2F Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance (ACMI) provider BBN Airlines has introduced the first Airbus A321 Passenger-to-Freighter (P2F) converted… ByRytis BeresneviciusJune 22, 2023
DHL Express DHL Express and SmartLynx Malta sign a deal for two Airbus A321 freighters DHL Express and SmartLynx Malta signed a partnership agreement under which two newly converted Airbus A321-200 freighters will… ByAeroTime EditorialFebruary 24, 2021
Titan Airways Titan Airways adds Airbus A321P2F freighter Titan Airways, a British cargo airline, plans to enhance its freighter fleet with three additional Airbus A321P2F (passenger… ByGabriele PetrauskaiteJanuary 8, 2021
Airbus How Airbus A321 finally killed Boeing 757 | Best of 2020 Dubbed as the Pocket Rocket due to its insane thrust-to-weight ratio or the Flying Pencil due to its… ByRytis BeresneviciusDecember 23, 2020
Airbus A321 Qantas to become launch operator for Airbus A321P2F in 2020 Article updated August 19, 2019. Qantas announced that its cargo division, Qantas Freight, is renewing the agreement with… ByRytis BeresneviciusAugust 13, 2019