KLM protests new Dutch tax for transit passengers  

Airlines IATA and KLM were happy about a Dutch courts decision to block flight cuts at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport AMS
Harry Wedzinga / Shutterstock.com

KLM has expressed its disagreement with the motion passed by the Dutch parliament on September 21, 2023, to tax airline passengers transiting through Amsterdam Schiphol airport (AMS).  

In a post published on Linkedin, KLM’s CEO, Marjan Rintel, deplored this measure, which adds to other recent regulatory and taxation initiatives that have targeted the commercial aviation industry in The Netherlands. 

Earlier in 2023, for example, the Dutch government announced its plans to restrict and reduce the number of operations at Schiphol in order to mitigate the noise impact of in the surrounding areas during nighttime. 

KLM fears higher taxation will greatly affect its current business model, since, according to the airline’s boss, transit passengers account for around sixty percent of its traffic. 

A report by consultancy and research firm CE Delft estimated the number of transit passengers could drop by more than third if the proposed tax, which could add around €50 per ticket, goes ahead. 

In her message, Rintel highlighted the role of KLM in ensuring the country’s air connectivity and its role in the Dutch economy and expressed concern about the new taxes, including other levies that will go into effect in January 2024, placing the airline at a disadvantage in front of its competitors. She also expressed her view that the new tax, whose proceeds will allegedly be used to alleviate the energy costs of Dutch residents, will not benefit the environment. 

The measure now approved by Dutch MPs was proposed by the CDA, one of the political parties in the coalition that supported the Mark Rutte’s government, which collapsed in July 2023 following disagreements between its members over migration policies. A general election is planned for November 22, 2023.