flight cancellations SKYCOP lends a hand to airlines with special book In the world of ever-improving technologies, where digital tools are changing the way we communicate, live and work,… February 6, 2019
flight cancellations Airlines’ silence – a threat to airport security Every day, over 100 000 people suffer from flight delays, cancellations, overbookings, baggage mix-ups and other exhausting challenges… February 5, 2019
compensation What compensation should airlines provide for you? Since every month in the EU around 5000 flights are cancelled and over 30 times more flights are… February 5, 2019
extreme weather Weather conditions impact on flights and how airlines covers it If you have just been told that your flight has been delayed or cancelled, we can almost guarantee… February 5, 2019
Airlines How and why airlines sell you tickets that do not exist According to ABC News, in 2016, 46 000 US travelers were bumped from flights. In Britain, even more,… February 5, 2019
Hong Kong 5 amazing airports to be in when your flight gets disrupted It is certainly not a lot of fun to hear that your flight just got delayed or cancelled.… February 5, 2019
flight cancellations Skycop.com reveals ways airlines trick passengers Even though air transportation is without a doubt the no. 1 choice for business and leisure travellers world-wide,… February 5, 2019
delay 7 tips: if your flight is cancelled, delayed or overbooked Many of us have faced at least one of these very unpleasant situations when you are getting ready… February 5, 2019
aviation finance Over €5bn in compensations are not disclosed on financial reports Over €5bn in compensations are not disclosed on major European airlines’ financial reports. Every year, with the end… January 22, 2019
aviation Best Airlines and Airports of 2018 2018 has mercifully come to an end, and 2019 has just barely begun. Therefore, it is the perfect… January 14, 2019