Five British Airways Boeing 747 embark for Teruel

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Five Boeing 747 jumbo jets, among the last remaining in service on behalf of British Airways, have been spotted heading towards Teruel (Spain) on April 3, 2020.

On April 3, 2020, at least five British Airways (BA) Jumbo jets (registration numbers G-CIVA, G-CIVT, G-CIVR, G-CIVS, G-CIVX) embarked on a journey from London Heathrow (LHR), UK, towards Teruel (TEV), Spain. 

Teruel Airport (TEV) is Europe’s largest aircraft boneyard (parking, maintenance and recycling facility),  where planes are flown to either wait for their return to service, or… be scrapped and turned into something else.

Four of the five BA Boeing 747s en route to Teruel Airport

At least one more BA’s Boeing 747 is already stored at the facility. As of April 3, British Airways had 31 Boeing 747 aircraft officially remaining in its fleet. However, 26 of them were parked, data indicates. Of the five Queens remaining in service, three were among the jumbo jets heading towards Teruel, Spain. 

Other facilities where BA keeps its grounded aircraft include Cardiff Airport (CWL) and Bournemouth International Airport (BOH), both in the United Kingdom.