Drone sightings cause delays at Singapore’s Changi Airport for the second time in a week, on June 24, 2019.
“On the night of 24 June 2019, approximately 15 departures and 3 arrivals were delayed and 7 flights were diverted due to bad weather and unauthorized drone activities,” said the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore on their social media accounts, adding that “as a precautionary measure, arrival and departure flights were carefully regulated for short periods of time between 2007 hours and 2107 hours.”
Several investigations have been opened. Offenders could face a fine of $20,000 and up to 12 months of prison.
The first incident involving a drone flying by Changhi airport affected 37 flights on June 18 and 19, 2019, as stated by the authority.
According to CAAS, it is illegal to fly within 5km (3.10 miles) of any airport or military airbase, or higher than 200 feet. They also provide a map to show the area limits for drone use.

Nowadays, these incidents have become common due to the widespread use of drones around the globe. Britain’s second largest airport, Gatwick also faced drone sightings that caused significant cancellations and delays. The airport was forced to close more than 32 hours on December 20, 2018. After this incident, the UK increased restrictions about their drone laws.