Embraer delays E175-E2 development program by four more years 

Aircraft Embraer E175 E2

Brazilian aircraft manufacturer Embraer has informed its shareholders that it will delay the E175-E2 development program by four more years.  

In a SEC filing dated February 26, 2025, Embraer said that its board had approved an extended delay following the three-year pause announced in February 2022.  

Embraer cited the ongoing scope clause in the US between airlines and pilot unions that restrict the maximum takeoff weight for aircraft with up to 76 seats in the region for the extended delay.  

Embraer also said the decision was taken due to “global current market conditions” and “continuing interest in the current E175 jet”. 

“The company expects to resume the program development activities following the aforementioned period, which will result in a reprogramming of the aircraft entry into service,” said Embraer in the SEC filing.  

While the E175-E2, the smallest aircraft in the E2 family, has failed thus far to get off the ground the E190-E2 and E195-E2 have proved much more successful. 

The E175-E2 flew its maiden flight in December 2019 and was initially scheduled to enter service in 2021.   

The E175-E2 has a maximum range of 3,704 kilometers and the capability to carry a maximum of 80 passengers in a standard three class configuration.    

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