ASG’s Avion Express to officially enter Philippine aviation as ACMI provider

Avion Express PH

Avion Express PH

Avion Express PH, a subsidiary of Avia Solutions Group (ASG), has announced that it will officially launch services in the Philippines as an Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance (ACMI) provider.

ASG is the world’s largest ACMI provider and operates 221 aircraft over six continents globally.

The announcement was held in Manila, Philippines on February 20, 2025 at an event led by Gediminas Ziemelis, Chairman and Founder of ASG, and attended by major Philippine carriers and distinguished officials from the Philippine government.

The event also served as an informative session about ACMI, as the service is still quite new in the Asia Pacific region, despite already being established in Europe and other parts of the world.

Likening ACMI to the migration of birds when seasons change, Ziemelis said that Avion Express PH will serve to keep operations in Philippine aviation consistent despite the peaks and troughs of the various travel seasons.

“[By providing our fleet], we can be useful for the local carriers by offering affordable tickets during the peak season. Much more tickets than they can provide with their own fleet,” Ziemelis said.

“The Philippine market is gradually growing annually. Compared to other regions, the Philippine aviation market has not completely utilized ACMI and we believe we will bring a lot of financial and operational benefits to local airlines,” Darius Kajokas, CEO of Avion Express,told AeroTime. 

Audrius Derbutas, Avion Express PH’s Chief Commercial Officer said that with the Philippines receiving 5.5 million tourists in 2023, the country needs the support of an ACMI provider. 

Derbutas, who has been based in the Asia-Pacific region for several years, said he was aware that the concept of ACMI is still new in the area. 

“Our focus is to work with regulators in finding a place for ACMI in the market,” he said. “We also need to communicate and explain to our customers, which are the local airlines, that we are not here to compete, but to help and support them.”

Image: Avion Express PH

Rene Philip Banzon, Avion Express PH CEO, said the adoption of ACMI in Philippine aviation can help the travel season peak “potentially go higher” with the right aircraft utilization. 

“[ACMI] will help airlines because during peak seasons, carriers can get aircraft externally without any fixed costs. They just pay for what they use, so it’s very efficient cost-wise,” Banzon told AeroTime. 

As ACMI is a relatively new concept in Philippine aviation, Banzon said that Avion Express PH is ready to go “all out” in spreading awareness and letting its customers, Philippine carriers, know the value and importance of ACMI. He also said that the company is open to servicing clients outside the Philippines.

“If an aircraft is idle in one place, it has potential somewhere else,” Banzon said, referring to high and low travel seasons not just in the Philippines, but Southeast Asia in general. 

Banzon added that there is already a process in place with the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) for servicing overseas clients, but Avion Express PH’s priority will be the Philippines.

He also expressed his confidence in Avion Express PH dominating the market. 

“It will be very hard for anyone to compete [with Avion Express PH] because of our base and support from the group, ASG, which has 220 aircraft, with 80 brand new aircraft in order.”

Avion Express PH will begin its operations with one aircraft after it receives its AOC mid-2025, and eventually has plans to increase its fleet to three. 

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